Saturday 25 June 2011

Atlantis Ireland Mystery School movie

I have uploaded a short movie to you tube with some of the sites we will visit on a Mystery school tour in Ireland, this photo is the upper lake at Glendalough
click on this link to see the movie thanks

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Equinox mystery school initiate journey commences 13-24 September 2011

I am working on an Initiation ceremony using the sarchophagus in the kings chamber of the great pyramid in Giza, if you look closely to the top right hand side of this photo you can see small circles, these are spiritual orbs of departed spirits, it is easier for a spirit to manifest as an orb as it needs less energy.

The next tour commences on 13th September until 24th September
Experience Light body activation and initiation in the great pyramid, the Stargate of Egypt sacred Equinox mystery school initiate journey
The tour is based in the flower of light center Luxor & travelling to cairo as part of the journey

for more details of this trip please follow link to flower of light tour page

What are the Mystery Schools?

The name Mystery School is in itself a term which displays a hidden meaning.  This is not unusual as all the teachings of the Mystery Schools were built up of layer upon layer of symbolism and occult (the term occult meaning Hidden) secrets.  The Mystery Schools are a timeless, ageless, omni dimensional philosophical teaching, a scientific study of the Mind.  The Hermetic Axiom “The All is in All and All is in The All” or “God is in All and All is in God” describes the basis of the Mystery School teachings that the Universe is Mental in nature, all is Mind and all is created through the Power of Thought (Thoth) 

The teachings were handed down throughout the ages and civilizations through
oral tradition from Master to Initiate very little of the teachings were ever written down.  The information was left encoded in symbolic representations, Sacred Geometric design of Temples, Pyramids and Sacred Sites, myth and mythology, this knowledge reflected in the building of the Ancient and Sacred Sites made them perfect places for learning,
initiation and astronomical observation.  The teachings of the Mystery Schools are a scientific study into the Laws and Principals of theUniversal Mind.  The Universal Mind is also know as God or Spirit, and we, as human beings, are a holographic image of that Universal Mind, the
microcosm and the macrocosm, “As Above, So Below, As Below, So Above” As
the seed is the tree enfolded, so is the universe God/Spirit unfolded. 

The Mystery Schools teach of the Transmutation of the consciousness of mortal man to his natural enlightened immortal self.  The Mystery School teachings are a navigational tool for all souls throughout all space and time to find their way Home.The ancient Alchemists who were also students of the Mystery Schools, studied this Transmutation of one form
to another and displayed this principal through their experiments of turning lead into gold.  That was only an outward display, another form of symbolic representation, the true meaning behind the experiments of the Alchemists was the Transmutation of Consciousness from unenlightened to enlightened Man (Ascension).  Much of the ancient information of the
Mystery Schools are now being confirmed by recent scientific finding, especially in the field of Quantum Physics.

The Pantheon of Gods, which included Thoth, Isis, Osiris, Ptah, Ra, Su,Geb, Set  were said to have come to Egypt in Zep Tepi or The First Time.Thoth was known as the God of Wisdom, Magic, Alchemy and The Arts in Ancient Egypt and was also known as Hermes Trismegistus “Hermes the Thrice Great” The Winged Messenger of the Gods, in Ancient Greece.  It is said of Thoth that he brought humanity into manifestation through
“Language and Maths”  The time before Zep Tepi is know in mythology as Atlantis and before that Lemuria, the time before the Great Flood.  This is where the Gods of Egypt are said to have come from. Creationist stories encoded in myth and mythology from all over the Ancient World speak of the Great Flood and the Gods that arrived after to teach the Wisdom of the Ages to humanity.  Its is said that these Gods move from reality to reality creating the programs for souls to experience The
term Zep, Zipper refers of a closing and opening, gateway, holes in timeand space, a zero point, the ending of one and beginning of another, aGolden Age  It is said that the Gods moved through this Zero Point, Zep Tepi where matter and anti matter merge, and there they create New Realities  In our measurement of time Zep Tepi refers to a time about 13,000 years ago approx. 10,500B.C  The Ancient Scientists/Priests of the Mystery Schools were measuring an astronomical cycle know to us today as the Precession of the Equinoxes or The Great Year.  The term Zep Tepi and the time frame of 13,000 years measures half a processional cycle, a full cycle being 26,000 years approx..  The Ancient Scientist/Astrologer/Priests of the Mystery Schools measured the rise and fall of the Consciousness of humanity against the backdrop of this processional cycle.  The Giza Plateau with its Sphinx and Pyramids serves as a huge astronomical observatory to measure the 26,000 year long processional cycle.  All the ancient stone structures were used as astronomical observatories and symbolic representations of the raising
of consciousness up through the creative spiral of soul evolution. The Ancient Mystery School Priests considered the Nile to be a terrestrial representation of the celestial Milky Way, they also
compared the Nile to the Spine or Backbone of the Human body.  Having full knowledge of the Chakra system of the body, they built their temples along the Nile, stretching from Aswan to Saquara as representations of the Chakras of the body running up along the Spine from base to crown.  The Mystery School Initiates raised their consciousness from their base Chakra, studying and being initiated in the corresponding temples along the Nile.  The Chakras are gateways that open up our energy flow with The Cosmos and our Body of Light.  Each Chakra has energies that relate to our growth, these energies can be expressed either negatively or positively, shut down from trauma or open due to peace and tranquility.  The journey of the Mystery School Initiate is the journey of moving beyond the illusion of density and becoming the Whole.  As the Initiate moves through and activates the Chakras, the Chakra spins and becomes a radiant ball of light which allows the Kundalini to flow through us fully, so we are fully in our life energy, unlimited, our Body of Light and being the Creators that we
are. In this way the Initiate raised their Consciousness through the various Chakras and Kundalini energy flowed and connected base to crown,from unenlightened to enlightened, from mortal to immortal.  The Mystery Schools are a body of teaching revealing the Secrets of the Universe and the Self and when properly understood leads us to ever increasing
Freedom and Joy, expansion of Awareness and the knowledge of our
Immortal, Omni dimensional, Eternal Cosmic Self.

The Ancient Pyramid and Temple builders erected their structures across not only Egypt but the whole Planet, these Ancient Structures can be seen to reflect Star Constellations on the ground. The three Pyramids at Giza reflect the three stars in Orion's Belt and the Orion Stars orientation to the Milky Way was as to the three Pyramids orientation to
the Nile but only having a perfect match in the time frame dating 13,000 years ago approx. 10,500 B.C or Zep Tepi. 
There exists an ancient body of writing found in the Egyptian city of Alexandria in the early Christian era in which it talks about the Sky/Ground connection linked in numerous ways to the issue of the resurrection and immortality of the soul (see Graham Hancock & Robert Bauval-The Message of the Sphinx)
These writings the “HermeticTexts” were believed to have been the work of theancient Egyptian wisdom God know as Thoth, who in one passage makes the following remarks to his disciple Asclepius “Do you not know, Asclepius, that Egypt is an image of Heaven?  In Egypt all the operations of the powers which rule and work in Heaven have been transferred down to Earth below?”  In the Hermetic view, the purpose of harnessing these Powers was to facilitate the Initiates quest for Immortality.We are now moving into a new Zep Tepi, Gateway, a new Golden Age.  It is said that the Teachings and Wisdom of the Ancient Gods would be returnedto, and remembered by, Humanity at this time.  This is the time of an
awakening Consciousness, a window of opportunity for all souls to Ascend to a new sate of Being, Enlightened, Eternal, Omni dimensional, Cosmic Man.  A time to manifest and realize our Heaven on Earth  All souls are called for Initiation and all souls Know when they are being called!

for more information on mystery schools and workshops please see our website atlantis ireland or the flower of 

light luxor egypt  both offer tours and workshops with anntoinette glynn

Monday 20 June 2011

What happened to Scota? Ancient Egyptian princess

In 1955, archaeologist Dr. Sean O’Riordan of Trinity College, Dublin, made an interesting discovery during an excavation of the Mound of Hostages at Tara, site of ancient kingship of Ireland. Bronze Age skeletal remains were found of what has been argued to be a young prince, still wearing a rare necklace of faience beads, made from a paste of minerals and plant extracts that had been fired.  The skeleton was carbon dated to around 1350 BC. In 1956, J. F. Stone and L. C. Thomas reported that the faience beads were Egyptian: “In fact, when they were compared with Egyptian faience beads, they were found to be not only of identical manufacture but also of matching design.
Lorraine Evans in her book Kingdom of the Ark investigates the origins of the people of Scotland, it is in the Bower manuscript that she discovers the story of Scota, the Egyptian princess and daughter of a pharaoh who fled from Egypt with her husband Gaythelos with a large following of people who arrive in a fleet of ships. They settled in Scotland for a while amongst the natives, until they were forced to leave and landed in Ireland, where they formed the Scotti, and their kings became the high kings of Ireland.   In her quest to discover the true identity of ‘Scota,’ as it was not an Egyptian name, she finds within Bower’s manuscript that Scota’s father is actually named as being Achencres, a Greek version of an Egyptian name. In the work of Manetho, an Egyptian priest, Evans discovers the translation of the name—the pharaoh Achencres was none other than Akhenaten, who reigned in the correct timeframe of 1350 BC. Evans believes that Scota was Meritaten, eldest daughter of Akhenaten and Nefertiti. The third eldest daughter, Ankhesenpaaten, married her half-brother, King Tutankhamun, son of Akhenaten and his secondary wife, Kiya.

What happens to Scota and her people? For this, we must return again to the myths of the people inhabiting Ireland at the time, the Tuatha de Danaan, the magical children of the Goddess Danu: “It was they who originally established the site of Tara, in the Boyne river valley, as the ritual inauguration and burial place of the ancient kings of Ireland. They were generally regarded as the gods and goddesses of the Celtic tribes, but it is believed that their true origins date far back into prehistory”. Could the de Danaan even perhaps have been the descendants of the lost land of Atlantis, migrants to Ireland after its final destruction, estimated by Edgar Cayce to have been around 10,000 BC? Cayce states in various psychic readings that the Atlanteans migrated to parts of the Yucatan and later into North America to merge with the existing native Mound Builders in the Ohio region. As Tara is also a sacred mound site, could there be a connection? It is an interesting speculation, and if the ‘Sons of Mil’ were indeed Egyptians, there is another connection to mound-building cultures, as sacred burial mounds were the origins for the pyramid structures that followed in the evolution of pyramid building in Egypt. Could there have been a common tie to these two cultures, united once more upon the Hill of Tara? Perhaps that, too, could explain part of the ancient symbolic meaning of the site, a place of sacred union of two cultures with a thread of common identity.

for more information on Atlantis Ireland tours and workshops please see our website

What are the mystery schools?

The name Mystery School is in itself a term which displays a hidden
meaning.  This is not unusual as all the teachings of the Mystery
Schools were built up of layer upon layer of symbolism and occult (the
term occult meaning Hidden) secrets.  The Mystery Schools are a
timeless, ageless, omni dimensional philosophical teaching, a scientific
study of the Mind.  The Hermetic Axiom “The All is in All and All is in
The All” or “God is in All and All is in God” describes the basis of the
Mystery School teachings that the Universe is Mental in nature, all is
Mind and all is created through the Power of Thought (Thoth). 

The teachings were handed down throughout the ages and civilizations through
oral tradition from Master to Initiate  very little of the teachings
were ever written down.  The information was left encoded in symbolic
representations, Sacred Geometric design of Temples, Pyramids and Sacred
Sites, myth and mythology, this knowledge reflected in the building of
the Ancient and Sacred Sites made them perfect places for learning,
initiation and astronomical observation.  The teachings of the Mystery
Schools are a scientific study into the Laws and Principals of the
Universal Mind.  The Universal Mind is also know as God or Spirit, and
we, as human beings, are a holographic image of that Universal Mind, the
microcosm and the macrocosm, “As Above, So Below, As Below, So Above” As
the seed is the tree enfolded, so is the universe God/Spirit unfolded. 
The Mystery Schools teach of the Transmutation of the consciousness of
mortal man to his natural enlightened immortal self.  The Mystery School
teachings are a navigational tool for all souls throughout all space and
time to find their way Home.  The ancient Alchemists who were also
students of the Mystery Schools, studied this Transmutation of one form
to another and displayed this principal through their experiments of
turning lead into gold.  That was only an outward display, another form
of symbolic representation, the true meaning behind the experiments of
the Alchemists was the Transmutation of Consciousness from unenlightened
to enlightened Man (Ascension).  Much of the ancient information of the
Mystery Schools are now being confirmed by recent scientific finding,
especially in the field of Quantum Physics.

The Pantheon of Gods, which included Thoth, Isis, Osiris, Ptah, Ra, Su,
Geb, Set  were said to have come to Egypt in Zep Tepi or The First Time.Thoth was known as the God of Wisdom, Magic, Alchemy and The Arts in
Ancient Egypt and was also known as Hermes Trismegistus “Hermes the
Thrice Great” The Winged Messenger of the Gods, in Ancient Greece.  It
is said of Thoth that he brought humanity into manifestation through
“Language and Maths”  The time before Zep Tepi is know in mythology as
Atlantis and before that Lemuria, the time before the Great Flood.  This
is where the Gods of Egypt are said to have come from.  Creationist
stories encoded in myth and mythology from all over the Ancient World
speak of the Great Flood and the Gods that arrived after to teach the
Wisdom of the Ages to humanity.  Its is said that these Gods move from
reality to reality creating the programs for souls to experience.   The
term Zep, Zipper refers of a closing and opening, gateway, holes in time
and space, a zero point, the ending of one and beginning of another, a
Golden Age  It is said that the Gods moved through this Zero Point, Zep
Tepi where matter and anti matter merge, and there they create New
Realities  In our measurement of time Zep Tepi refers to a time about
13,000 years ago approx. 10,500B.C  The Ancient Scientists/Priests of
the Mystery Schools were measuring an astronomical cycle know to us
today as the Precession of the Equinoxes or The Great Year.  The term
Zep Tepi and the time frame of 13,000 years measures half a processional
cycle, a full cycle being 26,000 years approx..  The Ancient
Scientist/Astrologer/Priests of the Mystery Schools measured the rise
and fall of the Consciousness of humanity against the backdrop of this
processional cycle.  The Giza Plateau with its Sphinx and Pyramids
serves as a huge astronomical observatory to measure the 26,000 year
long processional cycle.  All the ancient stone structures were used as
astronomical observatories and symbolic representations of the raising
of consciousness up through the creative spiral of soul evolution.
The Ancient Mystery School Priests considered the Nile to be a
terrestrial representation of the celestial Milky Way, they also
compared the Nile to the Spine or Backbone of the Human body.  Having
full knowledge of the Chakra system of the body, they built their
temples along the Nile, stretching from Aswan to Saquara as
representations of the Chakras of the body running up along the Spine
from base to crown.  The Mystery School Initiates raised their
consciousness from their base Chakra, studying and being initiated in
the corresponding temples along the Nile.  The Chakras are gateways that
open up our energy flow with The Cosmos and our Body of Light.  Each
Chakra has energies that relate to our growth, these energies can be
expressed either negatively or positively, shut down from trauma or open
due to peace and tranquility.  The journey of the Mystery School
Initiate is the journey of moving beyond the illusion of density and
becoming the Whole.  As the Initiate moves through and activates the
Chakras, the Chakra spins and becomes a radiant ball of light which
allows the Kundalini to flow through us fully, so we are fully in our
life energy, unlimited, our Body of Light and being the Creators that we
are. In this way the Initiate raised their Consciousness through the
various Chakras and Kundalini energy flowed and connected base to crown,
from unenlightened to enlightened, from mortal to immortal.  The Mystery
Schools are a body of teaching revealing the Secrets of the Universe and
the Self and when properly understood leads us to ever increasing
Freedom and Joy, expansion of Awareness and the knowledge of our
Immortal, Omni dimensional, Eternal Cosmic Self.

The Ancient Pyramid and Temple builders erected their structures across
not only Egypt but the whole Planet, these Ancient Structures can be
seen to reflect Star Constellations on the ground. The three Pyramids at
Giza reflect the three stars in Orion's Belt and the Orion Stars
orientation to the Milky Way was as to the three Pyramids orientation to
the Nile but only having a perfect match in the time frame dating 13,000
years ago approx. 10,500 B.C or Zep Tepi.
There exists an ancient body of writing found in the Egyptian city of Alexandria in the early Christian era in which it talks about the Sky/Ground connection linked in numerous ways to the issue of the resurrection and immortality of the soul (see Graham Hancock & Robert Bauval-The Message of the Sphinx)
These writings the “HermeticTexts” were believed to have been the work of theancient Egyptian wisdom God know as Thoth, who in one passage makes the following remarks to his disciple Asclepius “Do you not know, Asclepius, that Egypt is an image of Heaven?  In Egypt all the operations of the powers which rule and work in Heaven have been transferred down to Earth below?”  In the Hermetic view, the purpose of harnessing these Powers was to facilitate
the Initiates quest for Immortality.
We are now moving into a new Zep Tepi, Gateway, a new Golden Age.  It is
said that the Teachings and Wisdom of the Ancient Gods would be returned
to, and remembered by, Humanity at this time.  This is the time of an
awakening Consciousness, a window of opportunity for all souls to Ascend
to a new sate of Being, Enlightened, Eternal, Omni dimensional, Cosmic
Man.  A time to manifest and realize our Heaven on Earth  All souls are
called for Initiation and all souls Know when they are being called!

Thoth the Atlantean

Children of Light who dwelt among us. Strong were we with the power drawn from the eternal fire. And of all these, greatest among the children of men was my father, Thoth, keeper of the great temple, link between the Children of Light who dwelt within the temple and the races of men who inhabited the ten islands.”
Although late writings depict Thoth as a god, the earliest texts depict him as a king (The Palermo Stone versus The Coffin Texts; Faulkner, 1974).  Thoth was born in a distant country to the west which was across a body of water.  In Chapter LXXXV of the Book of the Dead (Papyrus of Nu), Thoth rules the "Western Domain," and by the end of the New Kingdom he is called "Lord of the West" (Seth, 1912). He is said to be the inventor of writing, astronomy, mathematics and civilization in general (Budge, 1960). Thoth is often called the Scribe.

A catastrophe occurred in the distant country of the gods to the west, but Thoth led them across the sea to an eastern country (Egypt).  Thus it appears that Thoth was once the ruler of an Island Kingdom beyond the western horizon before the Egyptian priests turned him into a god.  Nu, the Egyptian god of the Primeval Sea, is represented on the marble sarcophagus of Seti I as being up to his waist in water with arms upraised to carry the Solar Boat across the Sky. 

The boat, with its ten royal occupants, is being carried above the flood  waters engulfing their mountainous island home in the West.  It would appear that this scene depicts the final migration from the Lands of the West, Urani Land (Ireland) to Egypt because of the sudden loss of Atlantis.

for more information on Atlantis Ireland workshops and tours please visit our website

Creator Gods

Written tradition such as the text on the walls of the Temple of Edfu in Egypt, speak of sages and creator gods who came to Egypt in Zep Tepi or the First Time.  These divine beings or sages who came from "the Homeland of the Primeval Ones," (Urani Land, Ireland) are said to be the fouders of the very first prehistoric Egyptian civilization.  It is said that they re-established the sacred mounds at very carefully chosen locations around the world,  after which they embarked upon a temple building programme in order to re-establish their homeland after a catastrophic flood.
In an Irish manuscript, it is written that:
"All who are adepts in Druidical and magical arts are the descendants of the Tuatha De Danaan."
Hieroglyphic text inscribed on the Great Ebony Label found in 1901 by Sir Flinders Petrie in the "tomb" (cenotaph) of King Menes at Abydos (Petrie, 1902), describes how King Menes had embarked on a voyage of exploration with his fleet "to the Sunset Land in the Western Ocean": (Urani Land)
"King Menes, the Ruler of Mizraim [Egypt], the Land of the Two Crowns, the perished dead one in the West of the Horus race . . . The Commander-in-Chief of Ships made the complete course to the end of the Sunset Land. Sailing in ships, he completed the inspection of the Western Land. He built there a holding in Urani Land. At the Lake of the Peak, fate pierced him by a Hornet (Kheb, or Wasp) . . . This drilled tablet set up of hanging wood is dedicated to his memory." 
Notice that one of the names given in the inscription for the Western Land is Urani, which is associated with Erin, the old name for Ireland.  In light of the fact that the "tomb" at Abydos did not contain the mummy of King Menes, then we must look to Ireland Urani Land for the burial place of, "the perished dead one in the West”.  The final resting place of Menes was discovered by Professor Waddell at Knockmany in County Tyrone. Inscriptions found on boulder stones at the site were in Sumerian script and were identical to those found at Menes' empty Egyptian tomb site. Professor Waddell wrote of his unique finds:
“In particular the photograph of one of the stones contains the same monogram of the name "Urani," and is written by the same signs as on the ebony label, but on a larger scale; and the realistic pictograph of the animal which caused the death of Menes in Urani represented it as a hornet” - (Makers of Civilization in Race and History)

for more information on Atlantis Ireland tours and workshops with anntoinette glynn  please visit our website

Investigating the myth of Atlantis

“A 2004 book investigating the myth of Atlantis said that the mythical island was almost certainly the island of Ireland. The claim was made by Swedish geologist Dr. Ulf Erlingsson in his book Atlantis from a Geographer’s Perspective: Mapping the Fairy Land.  According to Erlingsson: This book is an attempt at permanently settling the question of whether the geographic description of Atlantis was based on a real place. The answer is a resounding yes. Beyond reasonable doubt, Plato based the geographic description on Ireland.  Erlingsson bases his evidence on Plato's description of Atlantis, which matches Ireland almost perfectly. Statistically, the scientist claims, the probability is over 99.98%  that Plato was describing Ireland.'

Atlantis Ireland - A Life Changing Journey

Welcome to Atlantis Ireland Mystery School connecting Ireland, UK and Egypt.  Linked to its partner Mystery school in Egypt, the Flower of Light Center Luxor 
It is the intention of Atlantis Ireland to re-establish the ancient connections between these sacred lands.  To re-connect the Mystery Schools of the ancient world, to re-member our ancient ancestors, their wisdom, science, knowledge.  To awaken our ancient memory and to re-establish unity between Mind Body and Spirit.  It is the study, understanding and integration of the science of our ancient ancestors, which enables us to open up and connect to the higher aspects of our self.  Opening gateways to our higher consciousness, we can access higher abilities and skills, creating and manifesting our lives on a higher level.  Awakening to the ”Science of Enlightenment” of our ancient ancestors, understanding our past, present and future  and the nature of time, will open up worlds beyond your wildest imagination.  This is a Life Changing Journey.
"Now he has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me. That means nothing. People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."-Albert Einstein